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印度洋的璀璨明珠 斯里蘭卡旅遊目的地亮相成都

Source:斯里蘭卡國際中文台 Author: 人气: Release Time:2018-05-29
Summary:The shining pearl of the Indian Ocean Sri Lanka tourist destination in ChengDu 斯里蘭卡國際中文台 北歐國際新聞中心 亞太中文電視台 澳門衛視 綜合報道 (編輯 楓楊)5月28日, 在這萬物吐綠、百花爭艷的美好季節,中國成都迎來了一場別具一格的旅遊推

The shining pearl of the Indian Ocean Sri Lanka tourist destination in ChengDu
斯里蘭卡國際中文台 北歐國際新聞中心 亞太中文電視台 澳門衛視 綜合報道(編輯 楓楊)5月28日, 在這萬物吐綠、百花爭艷的美好季節,中國成都迎來了一場別具一格的旅遊推介會——2018「Hi!Sri Lanka」斯里蘭卡官方旅遊目的地推介會。
S.LANKA ICTV、Nordic international news center、MSTV、APCTV (Editor FengYang)On May 28, Chengdu welcomed a unique tourism promotion event -- 2018 "Hi! Sri Lanka "official tourism destination promotion meeting of Sri Lanka. 
2018「Hi!Sri Lanka」斯里蘭卡官方旅遊目的地推介會現場
「Hi!Sri Lanka」Official tourist destination promotion meeting of Sri Lanka,2018
Guests taking group photos
Guests taking group photos
Guests taking group photos
Guests taking group photos
       According to MSTV reporter, this promotion will be as a cocktail party, with various forms of display design and interaction, such as Sri Lanka's popular landscape aisle, national tourism travel commemorative DVDS showing, further more there』s a unique "wildlife photo wall", through the combination of reality and virtual, many guests took photos with it. Guests who came can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Sri Lanka's beaches, taste the famous Ceylon black tea, and feel the special culture of Sri Lanka.
       This promotion is aimed to introduce Sri Lanka's tourism products to  Chinese people, attracting from Sri Lanka and China's 10 provinces, cities and autonomous regions tourism practitioners, as well as hundreds of travel agencies, hotels, airlines companies and the media to attend.
2018「Hi!Sri Lanka」斯里蘭卡官方旅遊目的地推介會啟動儀式
「Hi!Sri Lanka」Official tourist destination promotion opening ceremony of Sri Lanka,2018
       After a glitzy stage lighting show, the promotion began.Chai yanzhu, executive vice President and secretary general of sichuan tourism association, and AMARATUNGA JOHN ANTHONY EMMANUEL minister of national tourism of Sri Lanke , made speeches on stage successively.
Sichuan Province Tourism Association Executive president Elect and Secretary Chai Yan Zhu gave speech
       "Sri Lanka is a beautiful country and an important node of the maritime silk road. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka is also rich in tourism resources." Sichuan Province Tourism Association Executive president Elect and Secretary Chai Yan Zhu in his speech said that he thought the promation for the Chinese people to provide a good opportunity to get to know Sri Lanka outbound tourism, and through all aspects of communication, promote the cognition and understanding of Sri Lanka tourism destination, to further promote the establishment of a partnership and cooperation mechanism.
Minister of national tourism of Sri Lanke AMARATUNGA JOHN ANTHONY EMMANUEL(right)gave speech
       Minister of national tourism of Sri Lanke AMARATUNGA JOHN ANTHONY EMMANUEL said in his speech, he is very honored to come to the meeting, "Sri Lanka is the Indian Ocean jewels." "The first time I came to China was in 1980," he said in his speech. Sri Lanka is one of China's good friends, so will go all out to support one belt and one road initiative all the way. Sri Lanka is a country of peace in South Asia, now we are very welcome our Chinese friends travel to Sri Lanka to feel the sea, beach, sunshine, and a rich culture."
Minister of national tourism of Sri Lanke AMARATUNGA JOHN ANTHONY EMMANUEL(right) in interview
       AMARATUNGA JOHN ANTHONY EMMANUEL said the relationship between sri lanka and china back to many hundreds of years,  and today the political relationship between china and srl lanka is very strong,so Sri lanka always believes in the one china policy . He also told reporters that Sri Lanka is different from other countries in that it not only has rich natural scenery, but also has a profound buddhist culture. The main purpose of this promotion is to make Sri Lanka a tourist destination in the hearts of Chinese tourists.
Chinthaka (right), China marketing director of Sri Lanka tourism promotion bureau, was interviewed on the spot
       During the Interview, Chinthaka thinks that Sri Lanka is a compact and diverse island, surrounded by the Indian Ocean, having enriched natural tourism resources, is a one-stop destination for any travelers. He said tourists can enjoy the natural beauty of Sri Lanka and the scenery will give tourists a chance to explore Sri Lanka. "Not only that, but also has more than 2500 years of history in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka have a more than eight different aspects of the rich historical and cultural resources, including many of the buddhist sites and ruins of ancient kingdom. Sri Lanka is also rich in wildlife resources, and many rare animals can be observed in Sri Lanka's national parks. Chinthaka said.
Vidura(left), Sri Lanka's chief investment officer in China, was interviewed on the spot
       Vidura told reporter that he is very honored to represent the Sri Lanka to promote their tourism, and said his agency is composed of Sri Lanka national tallest leadership, including tourism affairs minister, etc. "With the strong promotion of the One Belt And One Road initiative, the Chinese government has made a lot of progress, so I am very happy to be in China. This event is also the first time to promote Sri Lanka in sichuan. I hope such activities can promote the partnership between sichuan and Sri Lanka in tourism. "Said Vidura.
明珠酒店集團總監Nabeel Faris接受記者現場採訪
Nabeel Faris, director of the Pearl Grand Hotel & Pearl City Hotel, spoke with reporters at the scene
       Nabeel Faris在接受採訪時說道:「斯里蘭卡是一個正在飛速發展的國家,因此斯里蘭卡需要更多的旅遊方面的項目來促進本土旅遊業的發展。」他表示自己公司在科倫坡市區中心已經有兩座酒店,因為在城市中心,所以有很多的商業旅遊者來到這兒,他也非常期待來自中國和許多不同國家的外國遊客能夠到斯里蘭卡來進行商務洽談或是旅遊觀光。
       "Sri Lanka is a rapidly developing country," Nabeel Faris said in the interview. "therefore, Sri Lanka needs more tourism projects to promote its tourism industry." He said his company in Colombo city center has two hotel, because in the center of the city, so there are a lot of business travelers come here, he is also looking forward to many foreign tourists come from China and in different countries to Sri Lanka for business or sightseeing.
斯里蘭卡旅遊投資促進和旅遊項目開發總監Maverick Shi接受記者現場採訪
Maverick Shi, director of Sri Lanka's tourism investment promotion and product development, was interviewed on the spot
      Maverick Shi在採訪中表示下半年的計劃中,斯里蘭卡國家旅遊部會在中國進行更多的投資定向引導,同時也會開發出旅遊示範線路,供中國的遊客或是投資者去參觀,去考察斯里蘭卡的市場。
       Maverick Shi said in interview that plan of the second half of the year including sri lankan national tourism ministries directional guide to invest more in China, it will also develop tourism demonstration line, for Chinese tourists and investors to visit, to visit Sri Lanka』s investment market.
Zhao Xuwang, President of the tour guide group branch of chengdu tourism association, was interviewed by reporters
       Zhao Xuwang said Sri Lanka is a special country. It is an island country and a very important node on the maritime silk road. "From central to local, from the government to the folk all have many investment in Sri Lanka, and we Chinese tourists traveling to Sri Lanka, is also a good people-to-people diplomacy." "Said zhao.
Promotion of tourism projects
Promotion of tourism projects
Promotion of tourism projects
Promotion of tourism projects
       Later on,some representatives of the hotel group took the stage to promote the tourism projects.
special performances
special performances
Minister of national tourism of Sri Lanke AMARATUNGA JOHN ANTHONY EMMANUEL watching the show
       This promotion in addition to let domestic friends know more about domestic culture in Sri Lanka, the meeting also specially arranged tranditional shows like folk music ensemble and sichuan opera, to pass on enthusiasm of the Chinese people to all the distinguished guests present, won the applause of guests.
landscape of Sri Lanka
       "Sri Lanka" in the sinhala means "paradise" or "the rich land of light", having the laudatory name of "gem kingdom" or "the Indian Ocean pearl" ,is considered by Marco Polo is one of the most beautiful island, because it has beautiful seaside, mysterious ancient city, rich natural heritage, unique and fascinating history and culture.
landscape of Sri Lanka
       According to MSTV reporter, at present China has to invest in Sri Lanka built infrastructure, including roads, railways, airports and ports, and many other projects, and under the "one belt and one road" initiative, after the cooperation in trade and culture,two countries will continue to collaborate in more areas while focus on tourism industry.
landscape of Sri Lanka
       China has become one of the largest source countries of tourists to Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, with the economic and social development of Sri Lanka, more and more sri lankans will travel abroad. Through this promotion, China's tourism industry will know more about Sri Lanka. It excavate the potential of tourism investment and cooperation between the two countries, brought positive and far-reaching influence for the domestic and international tourism development, and make the positive contribution for promoting the development of relations between the two countries.
(S.LANKA ICTV manuscript, reproduced please indicate the source)
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